Music Ideas

Below is a list of a few of my favorite sounds to practice to. I will continue to add to the list as I discover new artists and songs. In general, Native American Flute and Tibetan Singing Bowls can be inspiring. Experiment with creating a playlist with key words or some of the musicians name’s below on Pandora or Spotify. “Chinese Flute”, “Qigong Music” “Nature Sounds” etc.

Time Frozen: Riley Lee

Empowerment At The Base: Jessita Reyes

Quiet Places: Riley Lee

Dog Star: Randy Granger

A Water Lily: Jia Peng Fang

Sleeping Lotus: Li Xiangting

Calm Lake: Li Xiangting

The Red Mountain With Bamboo Vibra: Tai Chi Chuan

Touching Silk: Frank Steiner Jr.

Earth Mother: Robert Tree Cody

That Place Called Peace: Charlie Wayne

Wind: Peter Davison

Hands of Love: Deuter

Tibetan Singing Bowl: Sounds For Life —1 hour in length.